• Thematic Track 5
  • 29 November 2021
  • JST 18:00 - 19:00 (GMT+09:00)

EU-IURC Joint Session: The Role of Municipalities in Promoting the Renovation Wave

  • English (Simultaneous interpretation)

For cities to meet the challenge of reaching carbon neutrality by 2050, the EU recently launched the Renovation Wave initiative. It considers buildings as a priority for the European Green Deal and introduced new policy instruments to help buildings decarbonise, integrate renewables, and promote resource efficiency and circularity. Meanwhile, former Prime Minister Suga declared in November 2020 that Japan would realise carbon-neutrality by 2050, while a roadmap announced in June of this year recognises building energy efficiency as a crucial component. ASEAN member states share the common challenge of rising demand for energy, and energy efficiency can play a key role in enabling a sustainable and clean energy future. A widespread decarbonisation of buildings is still difficult , but we are seeing more examples in the region.

This session aims to explore regulations, incentive mechanisms, efficient technologies, systems and envelope solutions at the city level that will bring electricity-oriented CO2 emissions from buildings in the residential and commercial sectors to nearly zero (Nearly ZEB) or zero (ZEB). Intellectual professionals and lawmakers from municipalities will discuss city-level initiatives that would promote Nearly ZEBs and ZEBs.

Related PublicationSpeakers

Research Manager, City Taskforce, IGES



Research Manager, City Taskforce, IGES

Ryoko works on the EU funded International Urban and Regional Cooperation Project and is a Research Manager of the City Taskforce at the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies. By contributing to the twinning of cities with a common agenda Ryoko seeks to facilitate cities collectively manage global environmental risks and to build resilience. She has a Ph.D. in Engineering from Nagoya University and a Masters in International Economics from Johns Hopkins University (SAIS).

Professor Emeritus, Nagoya University/ Advisor to the President of Yokohama City University/ Senior Fellow, IGES

IMURA Hidefumi

IMURA Hidefumi

Professor Emeritus, Nagoya University/ Advisor to the President of Yokohama City University/ Senior Fellow, IGES

He obtained PhD in applied physics at Graduate School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo. He has been teaching environmental systems analysis and planning at Kyushu University, Nagoya University and Yokohama City University. He has been supervising the Japan Helpdesk of EU’s International Urban and Regional Cooperation (IURC) Project since 2017. His research work covers energy and materials flows in cities, life-cycle assessment of urban civil infrastructures and economic development and environment in China.

Senior Expert, European Commission

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Paolo Bertoldi

Paolo Bertoldi

Senior Expert, European Commission

Dr. Paolo Bertoldi has been working with the European Commission since 1985 and in 2015 he has been nominated Senior Expert. For 1993 until April 2001, he was Administrator with the European Commission, DG Energy and Transport (DG TREN, Brussels Belgium), in charge of EU regulatory and voluntary programmes for energy efficiency in end-use equipment, buildings and industry. Since May 2001, he is at the European Commission Joint Research Centre (Ispra, Italy), in charge of research activities on energy efficiency policy analysis, the efficient use of electricity (in particular ICT) and innovative policy instruments for energy efficiency (e.g. white certificates, financing mechanisms, ESCO, EPC, emission trading) and the Covenant of Mayors.

He has been a Contributing Author for IPCC Assessment Report 4, Lead Author for IPCC Assessment Report 5 and the Special Report on 1.5 C and recently he has been nominated Lead Author for IPCC Assessment Report 6.

Head of the Energy Efficiency Division of the City Council of Donostia / San Sebastian.

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Jon Gastañares Lizarriturri

Jon Gastañares Lizarriturri

Head of the Energy Efficiency Division of the City Council of Donostia / San Sebastian.

Graduate in Biological Sciences. UPV, University of the Basque Country. Master's degree in Industry and Environment. School of Industrial Engineers. He has been working as Environmental Technician at Commonwealth of Municipalities of San Marcos. He is Head of the Municipal Energy Efficienciy Section at Donostia/San Sebastián City Council. Actions developed in the last years: Development of the energy efficiency ordinance, development of the SEAP of the city and development of the Local Agenda 21.

Architect, Energy Efficiency Division of the City Council of Donostia / San Sebastian.

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Iker Mardaras Larrañaga

Iker Mardaras Larrañaga

Architect, Energy Efficiency Division of the City Council of Donostia / San Sebastian.

Architect and expert in urban environmental issues. Master in Sustainable Building and Energy Performance. Likewise, graduate in Environment and Landscape.

Advanced knowledge on diverse energy efficiency simulation tools and skilled in the application of Passive House Standard in the construction of buildings. Expert on building sustainability evaluation tools.

Nowadays, Architect of the Energy Efficiency Division of the City Council of Donostia / San Sebastian.

Kyoto City Environmental Policy Department Global Warming Countermeasure Office

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FUJITA Masayuki

FUJITA Masayuki

Kyoto City Environmental Policy Department Global Warming Countermeasure Office

Mr. Fujita joined Kyoto City Hall in 2010 as an environment specialist. With the exception of the two years spent on promoting the biotechnology and the medical industry, he has been working on countermeasures for climate change and assumed his current position in 2018. He is in charge of revising Kyoto City’s Global Warming Countermeasure Ordinance which mandates the installation of renewable energy appliances in new constructions, and the new Kyoto City Program of Global Warming Countermeasures until 2030. Currently, he is examining energy efficiency measures for buildings to increase the amount of emission reductions.

Deputy Head of the Department for Federal, European and International Affairs, Hamburg Ministry for Environment

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Brigitte Koehnlein

Brigitte Koehnlein

Deputy Head of the Department for Federal, European and International Affairs, Hamburg Ministry for Environment

Brigitte Koehnlein is Deputy Head of the Department for Federal, European and International Affairs at the Hamburg Ministry for Environment. She is a political advisor to the Minister and coordinates the international activities of the City of Hamburg in the field of sustainability, environmental protection and climate change. Prior to joining the ministry, she worked as an environmental communication consultant and held various positions in the public sector and with CSOs. She holds a degree in biology from the University of Tübingen, Germany.

Team Leader, IURC Asia-Australasia

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Pablo Gandara

Pablo Gandara

Team Leader, IURC Asia-Australasia
