
Plenary 1 (PL-1)
  • 23 July 2024
  • 9:30 - 10:40
  • Simultaneous interpretation

High Integrity Carbon Markets to Achieve Net-Zero by 2050: Status and Practices

As the impacts of climate change become more extreme, there is an urgent need to mobilise finance and technology from the private sector through international cooperation to achieve net-zero (reducing global emissions to zero) by 2050, a target set under the Paris Agreement, which is the United Nations Framework to combat climate change. To meet this challenge, the “Principles of High Integrity Carbon Markets'' were adopted at the G7 Ministers’ Meeting on Climate, Energy and Environment held in Sapporo last year. As a next step, it is crucial for various stakeholders to implement concrete actions based on these principles.

In this session, we invite governments and private sector representatives working toward net-zero, and those involved in international initiatives to implement high-integrity carbon markets, to discuss implementation experiences and challenges. The session will also provide diverse perspectives on international discussions related to synergies between climate change, biodiversity, circular economy, in achieving the SDGs.

Keynote speech
“Current State of the International Carbon Market and Practices by the Private Sector”

Dirk FORRISTER, CEO, International Emissions Trading Association (IETA)

Panel Discussion
“Development and Practices of High Integrity Carbon Markets to Achieve NetZero in 2050”

KOAKUTSU Kazuhisa, Director of the Paris Agreement Article 6 Implementation Partnership Center, IGES
Elchin ALLAHVERDIYEV, Head of Mitigation Team/ Senior Negotiator, COP29 Presidency (Republic of Azerbaijan)
Chris SHIPLEY, Head of Global Carbon Markets, Department of Energy Security and NetZero, U.K.
Puttipar ROTKITTIKHUN, Director of Carbon Credit Certification Office, Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (Public Organization)
YAMAZAKI Masaaki, Senior Corporate Managing Director- Head of Corporate Administration, Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. (NRI)
Lydia SHELDRAKE, Director of Policy and Partnership, Voluntary Carbon Market Initiative (VCMI)
Anton TSVETOV, Associate Director for Policy, Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market (IC-VCM) [online]
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