Thematic Tracks 2 (TT-2)
  • 1 November 2024
  • JST 15:00 - 16:30 (GMT+09:00)
  • Simultaneous interpretation

Co-creating the National Long-term Roadmap to Synergise Mitigation and Adaptation in ASEAN

The ASEAN Community has reached a historical point in the development of the ASEAN Climate Change Strategic Action Plan 2025-2030 (ACCSAP) and establishment of the ASEAN Centre for Climate Change (ACCC). The aim is to integrate existing policy and institutional frameworks at the regional and national levels, and to show and enable ASEAN’s pathway to a resilient net-zero ASEAN. For a transition that integrates both mitigation and adaptation, it is vital to update national climate policies such as long-term strategies (LTS), nationally determined contributions (NDCs), and national adaptation plans (NAPs), based on an innovative methodology linked to an integrated roadmap. This will trigger the mainstreaming of climate change objectives and measures into sectoral policies domestically. Furthermore, considering the diversity of ASEAN countries in terms of vulnerability to climate change and capabilities for mitigation and adaptation, it is essential to capture the variations across countries and multiple stakeholders, especially with regards to the (i) long-term national developmental visions, (ii) climate goals, and (iii) key challenges and critical factors on the pathways of mitigation and adaptation. Against this background, this session aims to (1) share the preliminary results of the ongoing international research project (i.e. questionnaire survey analysis and consultation with national ministries at the national workshops), and (2) provide recommendations about the mitigation and adaptation integration at the national policy level in ASEAN/Asian countries, featuring discussions based on the opinions and perceptions of key stakeholders such as experts, industries including the power and finance sectors, and youth.


ARINO Yosuke, Research Manager / Project Leader for Mitigation and Adaptation Integration, Strategic Management Office, IGES