
From Good Practices to Great Transformations: How can the SDGs Bring Scalable Change to Asia?

The adoption of the 2030 Development Agenda and SDGs in September 2015 led to calls for widespread, transformational change. Since that time, a growing number of cities, businesses, and non-state actors have promoted innovative initiatives with varied degrees of success. How can the impacts of these actions be expanded and extended?

Discussions on the SDGs frequently presume that identified good practices will necessarily be scaled up rather than analysing the institutional and policy reforms governments and international organisations must take to ensure their impacts over space and time. This session invites development practitioners to share their experiences with regard to promoting SDG actions and then discusses with policymakers and representatives from key organisations on how these can be upscaled effectively.


Bambang Susantono

Vice-President, Asian Development Bank (ADB)

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Herbert M Bautista

Mayor, Quezon City, the Philippines

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Hidemitsu Sasaya

Managing Executive Officer / Manager, CSR Promotion Department, ITO EN, LTD.


Miyuki Hokugo

Staff Writer of Asahi Shimbun

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Framing Presentation

Eric Zusman

Research Leader, Sustainability Governance Centre, IGES


Hideyuki Mori

President, IGES