Kazuhiko Takeuchi
Kazuhiko Takeuchi is Visiting Professor of UNU Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability, Director and Professor of the Integrated Research System for Sustainability Science (IR3S) at the University of Tokyo. He has served, inter alia, as a member of the Science Council of Japan, and vice-chairman of the Food, Agriculture and Rural Area Policies Council, Government of Japan, Editor-in-Chief of the journal Sustainability Science (Springer). Educated and trained as a geographer and landscape ecologist at the University of Tokyo, he engages in research and education on creating eco-friendly environments for a harmonious coexistence of people and nature, especially focusing on Asia and Africa. He leads the Satoyama Initiative as well as climate/ecosystem change research in Asia and Africa. His recent publications include Rebuilding the relationship between people and nature: The Satoyama Initiative (Ecological Research, 25, 891-897, 2010), Sustainability: Engaging in global change thorough harmonious adaptation in Asia (co-authored, Nova Acta Leopoldina, NF112, Nr. 384, 213-226, 2010), Sustainability Science: A Multidisciplinary Approach (co-edited, United Nations University, 2011), and Satoyama-Satoumi Ecosystems and Human Well-Being: Socio-Ecological Production Landscapes of Japan (co-edited, United Nations University, 2012), Using sustainability science to analyse social–ecological restoration in NE Japan after the great earthquake and tsunami of 2011(co-authored, Sustainability Science 9: 513-526, 2014) and Satoyama landscape as social–ecological system: historical changes and future perspective (co-authored, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 19: 30-39, 2016).