13:30-13:50 (GMT+09:00) Opening VIDEO
Guest Remarks NISHIMURA Akihiro , Minister of the Environment, Japan
Guest Remarks KOITABASHI Satoshi , Vice Governor, Kanagawa Prefectural Government
Organiser’s Remarks TAKEUCHI Kazuhiko , President, IGES
Japanese (Simultaneous interpretation) 14:00-14:30 (GMT+09:00) Keynote Speech VIDEO
TANAKA Akihiko , President, JICA
Japanese (Simultaneous interpretation) 14:35-15:20 (GMT+09:00) Plenary session 1 Can Climate and Biodiversity Catch up with More Successful Sustainable Development Indicators? VIDEO
Kristie EBI , Professor, Center for Health and the Global Environment (CHanGE), University of Washington
HASHIMOTO Shizuka , Associate Professor, The University of Tokyo/ Senior Fellow, IGES / Multidisciplinary Expert Panel Member, Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), Lead Author for IPBES Global Assessment and the Asia-Pacific Regional Assessment
André MADER , Programme Director, Biodiversity and Forests, IGES
TAMURA Kentaro , Programme Director, Climate and Energy, IGES
English (Simultaneous interpretation) 15:25-16:10 (GMT+09:00) Plenary session 2 On the Ground Practices at National and Local Levels - Climate and Biodiversity VIDEO
Moderator Eric ZUSMAN , Research Leader, Integrated Sustainability Centre, IGES
1st Speaker10 min
Dhanalekshmy SIVANI , Local government, Kerala, India
2nd Speaker10 min
KASAI Takahiro , Section Chief, Policy Planning & Coordination Division, Sado City
3rd Speaker10 min
UCHIDA Togo , Director, ICLEI Japan Office
4th Speaker10 min
FUJITA Kaori , Senior Deputy Editor, Nikkei ESG / Professor, Graduate School of Life Sciences, Tohoku University
English (Simultaneous interpretation) 16:15-17:10 (GMT+09:00) Plenary session 3 From Science to Policy to Action VIDEO
Moderator TAKAHASHI Yasuo , Executive Director, IGES
TANIGUCHI Makoto , Deputy Director-General, RIHN Center, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN)
Vibha DHAWAN , Director General, TERI
Chang Hoon LEE , President, Korea Environment Institute (KEI)
HAYASHI Yoshitsugu , President, The Japanese Association of the Club of Rome
Sandrine DIXSON-DECLEVE , Co-President, The Club of Rome
TAKEUCHI Kazuhiko , President, IGES
English (Simultaneous interpretation) 17:10-17:15 (GMT+09:00) Closing VIDEO
Closing Remarks KAWAKAMI Tsuyoshi , Acting Managing Director, IGES
English (Simultaneous interpretation)