Concept note
Concept note
Plenary session
(Hybrid event)
Nov. 28, 13:30-17:15
Keynote Speech
Can Climate and Biodiversity Catch up with More Successful Sustainable Development Indicators?
On the Ground Practices at National and Local Levels - Climate and Biodiversity
From Science to Policy to Action
Thematic Tracks
(Online event)
Nov. 29, 11:00-17:00
Accelerating Implementation of the SDGs “Put SDGs on the Ground”
Solar Sharing on Abandoned Farm-lands as Key Accelerator to Create Regional Circular and Ecological Spheres (Regional-CES)
Climate Change Actions and Regional Sustainable Development Synergies
IGES Contributions to “Climate and SDGs Synergy”
Thematic Tracks
(Online event)
Nov. 30, 11:00-17:00
Net-zero and Resilient Transitions in Asia (1): A Socio-economic Dimension and Demand-side Management
Achieving a Net-Zero Future in Asia: From Individual Innovation to Societal Transformation
Socially Just Net-Zero Transitions in Asia
Awakening Individuals towards Realising a Decarbonised Society: Implications from "Climate Citizens’ Assemblies"
Thematic Tracks
(Online event)
Dec. 1, 11:00-17:00
Net-zero and Resilient Transitions in Asia (2): From Science to Policies and Implementation —- or Japan’s Contribution to Asia
Japan’s Contributions for a Decarbonised Asia: Multi-Layered Approaches Taken by Stakeholders
India-Japan Environmental Cooperation for Realisation of Net Zero Society in India (Toward India-Japan Environmental Week)
Bridging Science and Policy: Journey of AP-PLAT for Climate Resilient Asia-Pacific
Thematic Tracks
(Online event)
Dec. 2, 11:00-17:00
Pursuing Nature-positive Societies
The Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, and What Else to Expect at CBD COP15
Transformative Actions for a Nature-positive Society from SATOYAMA Initiative towards 2030
Introduction of forthcoming UNEP Report entitled: Strengthening the Environmental Dimension of the Voluntary National Reviews in Asia and the Pacific: Lessons Learned and Ways Forward
Thematic Tracks
(Online event)
Dec. 5, 14:00-19:00
Achieving Pollution-free Societies
What Makes Reliable Data for Microplastics Policy?
Global Initiatives and Good Practices for Mitigating Open Waste Burning
Expectations and Challenges for International Cooperation to Tackle Plastic Pollution
ISAP2022 Supporters
Ministry of the Environment, Japan
Kanagawa Prefectural Government
Hyogo Prefectural Government
City of Kitakyushu
City of Yokohama
Kawasaki City
National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES)
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency (ERCA)
ICLEI Japan Office, ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability
Global Environmental Action (GEA)
ISAP2022 Collaborators
Korea Environment Institute (KEI)
ISAP2022 Special Supporter
Yokohama Convention & Visitors Bureau