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Thematic Track 17

How to Enable Constructive Discussion on Carbon Pricing

Originally agreed upon by global leaders in line with the 2015 Paris Agreement, the call for decarbonisation has resonated even more strongly around the world through the IPCC’s release of its Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5℃ last year. To avoid the catastrophic consequences of climate change, it is necessary to build a decarbonised society — one that does not release any greenhouse gases — by approximately the year 2050. While there is a great need to mobilise all policies and measures, the focus of this session will be on carbon pricing, a measure that is expected to play an important role in transitioning to a decarbonised society. The session will cover the most up-to-date insights, including the potential effects of introducing carbon pricing and the optimal price of carbon. Participants are invited to engage in constructive discussion on how to best utilise carbon pricing to move towards a decarbonised world.

Yukari Takamura

Yukari Takamura

Professor, Integrated Research System for Sustainability Science (IR3S), The University of Tokyo Institutes for Advanced Study (UTIAS)


Suk Sunhee

Suk Sunhee

Associate Professor, Faculty of Environmental Science Graduate School of Fisheries and Environmental Sciences Nagasaki University


Naoki Matsuo

Naoki Matsuo

Principal Policy Researcher, Research and Publications Unit, Strategic Management Office, IGES


小嶋 公史

Satoshi Kojima

Principal Coordinator, Research and Publications Unit, Strategic Management Office, IGES


Shuzo Nishioka

Shuzo Nishioka

Counsellor, IGES
