| ISAP Open Session DAY 1: 12 July (Mon) |
9:30-12:15 Plenary: Opening Session | | Opening Remarks | Hironori Hamanaka, IGES Chair of the Board of Directors |
| Guest Remarks | | Shigefumi Matsuzawa, Governor of Kanagawa Prefecture | | Kazuhiko Takemoto, Vice-Minister for Global Environmental Affairs, Ministry of the Environment, Japan |
| | Keynote Session "Long-term perspectives to build a low carbon Asia-Pacific" | | Moderator: Ryokichi Hirono, Professor Emeritus, Seikei University | Capacity Development for Low Carbon Economies - AIT's Perspectives (620KB) Said Irandoust, President of Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) | Long-term Perspectives to Build a Low Carbon Asia-Pacific (28KB) Bindu N. Lohani, Vice-President (Finance and Administration), Asian Development Bank (ADB) | Climate Actions and National Interests (784KB) Hoesung Lee, Vice-Chair, IPCC |
| | Panel Discussion "Establishing an Asian-style cooperative system towards a Low-Carbon Asia-Pacific 2020" | | Moderator: Shuzo Nishioka, Senior Research Advisor, IGES | Implication of CoP16 to Asian Countries (133KB) Young-Woo Park, Regional Director, UNEP Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (UNEP ROAP) | Low-Carbon Energy Transformational Pathways (504KB) Nay Htun, Professor, State University of New York, Stony Brook | SUSTAINABLE AND LOW-CARBON DEVELOPMENT INNOVATIVE PATHWAY FOR SOUTH-SOUTH COOPERATION (1.6MB) Monthip Sriratana Tabucanon, Principal Inspector General, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Thailand | How we construct Asia-Pacific Low Carbon Community towards 2020 (705KB) Yasushi Fukuizumi, Deputy General Manager, Sustainable Energy & Environment Strategic Planning Department, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. |
| 13:15-18:00 The session according to the theme | 13:15-14:15 Asia-Pacific Perspectives on Future Climate Regime | | | Moderator: Takejiro Sueyoshi, Special Advisor to UNEP Finance Initiative and the Principles for Responsible Investment in the Asia Pacific Region | CHINA'S MITIGATION TARGET: OPPORTUNITY AND CHALLENGE (870KB) Fei Teng, Associate Professor, Tsinghua University, China | Toward LCDS and the Challenges: Indonesia Case (766KB) Rizaldi Boer, Bogor University of Agriculture, Indonesia | Factors relevant to assessing comparability (41KB) Jusen Asuka, Director, Climate Change Group, IGES | What's happening on after Copenhagen ? (42KB) Yuji Mizuno, Director, Market Mechanisms Sub-Group, IGES |
| 14:30-15:30 Accounting for Co-benefits: Toward stronger climate change, development, and air pollution policies in Asia | | | Moderator: Charmine Koda, Journalist | Co-benefits Approach in Asia: From Air Pollution to Climate Change (313KB) May Ajero, Air Quality Program Manager, Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities (CAI-Asia) Center | Transport Co-benefits in Asia: From Concept to Reality (248KB) Cornie Huizenga, Joint Convener, Partnership on Sustainable Low Carbon Transport Initiative (SLoCat) | ADB's View on Co-benefits (155KB) Kotaro Kawamata, Environmental Specialist, Environment and Safeguards Division, Regional and Sustainable Development Department, Asian Development Bank (ADB) | Asian Co-benefits Partnership (83KB) Katsunori Suzuki, Professor, Frontier Science Organization, Kanazawa University | Integrated Climate-Air Pollution Strategies and Co-Benefits: Policies and Programmes of the Global Atmospheric Pollution Forum and the UNECE LRTAP Convention (132KB) Richard Mills, Convener, Global Atmospheric Pollution Forum | Accounting for Co-benefits: (1.1MB) Eric Zusman, Policy Researcher, Climate Change Group, IGES |
| | 15:45-16:45 REDD+: Progress, Challenges and Ways Forward: From the local to the global | | | Moderator: Zakri Abdul Hamid, Director of the Centre for Global Sustainability Studies at Universiti Sains Malaysia and Science Advisor to the Government of Malaysia | Oddar Meanchey CF REDD: Bringing Cambodia's First REDD Project to Market (214KB) Amanda Bradley, Program Director, Community Forestry Partnership Program, Pact Cambodia | The importance of governance to REDD+ activities: Lessons from Ulu Masen (308KB) Lesley McCulloch, Eye on Aceh, Indonesia | PNG REDD+ STRATEGY, PROGRESS & CHALLENGES (281KB) Gewa Gamoga, Officer, REDD & Climate Change Branch, Forest Policy Planning Directorate, Papua New Guinea | REDD-plus: State of play and challenges ahead (246KB) Henry Scheyvens, Director, Natural Resources Management Group, IGES |
| 17:00-18:00 Mainstreaming Adaptation: Linking research and actions on the ground | | | Moderator: Srinivasan Ancha, Senior Climate Change Specialist, Asian Development Bank(ADB) | Sreeja Nair, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) | Khlok Vichet Ratha, Climate Change Department of the Ministry of Environment, Cambodia | Kazuya Yasuhara, Professor Emeritus, Ibaraki University | Eklabya Sharma, International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development(ICIMOD) | Mahesh Pradhan, United Nations Environment Programme, The Regional Office for Asia Pacific (UNEP/ROAP) | Daisuke Sano, Deputy Director, Natural Resource Management Group, IGES | Prabhakar Sivapuram, Policy Researcher, Adapation Team, Natural Resource Management Group, IGES |
DAY 2: 13 July (Tue)
9:30-11:45 Plenary: White Paper III Launch | Opening Remarks Hironori Hamanaka, IGES Chair of the Board of Directors |
9:30-10:15 Keynote Discussion "Moving away from the mass-production and mass-consumption economy: An alternative development model in Asia?" | | Moderator: Hideyuki Mori, President of IGES | Revitalising traditional wisdoms on sustainable consumption & production (208KB) Saburo Kato, Chairperson, Japan Association of Environment and Society for the 21st Century (JAES21) | IGES White Paper III (1.3MB) Peter King, IGES Senior Policy Advisor |
| | | 10:15-11:45 Transitioning to Sustainable Consumption and Production: Opportunities for Asian prosperity on a finite planet | | | Moderator: Anthony Chiu, President, Asia Pacific Round Table for Sustainable Consumption and Production SCP Panel Discussion (368KB) | Sustainable production and consumption patterns - a resource and lifestyle perspective (564KB) Maria Jolanta Welfens, Project Coordinator, Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy | Sustainable Material Use (326KB) Kohmei Halada, Managing Director, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) | Opportunities and challenges for ‘lifestyle leapfrogging' in China (452KB) Patrick Schroeder, International Advisor, China Association for NGO Cooperation (CANGO) | Global consumption structure and regional cooperation (431KB, Japanese only) Satoshi Kojima, Director, Economy and Environment Group, IGES | Sustainable Consumption - Two Separate but Connected Aspects (149KB) Magnus Bengtsson, Director, Sustainable Consumption and Production Group, IGES |
| | | 12:00-13:30 Special Lunch Session Key Messages from the IGES White Paper III: Current responses and the future direction of SCP in the Asia-Pacific region | | | Moderator:Hideyuki Mori, President of IGES | Is the Customer Really King? -Stakeholder analysis for sustainable consumption and production using the example of the packaging value chain- (196KB, in Japanese) Yasuhiko Hotta, Deputy Director, Sustainable Consumption and Production Group, IGES | United we stand: regional cooperation from a wider perspective of sustainable consumption and production (130KB, in Japanese) Satoshi Kojima, Director, Economy and Environment Group, IGES | Synergies between regulatory and voluntary instruments and awareness raising of consumers: Towards sustainable production and consumption of tropical forest products (174KB, in Japanese) Kimihiko Hyakumura, Policy Researcher, Natural Resources Management Group, IGES | |
12:45-17:30 The session according to the theme | 12:45-13:45 Coping Strategies for Groundwater Under Threat | | | Moderator: Akio Morishima, Special Research Advisor, IGES | Ground Water Contamination In Map Ta Phut Industrial Complex Thailand (2.6MB) Chayawee Wangcharoenrung, Environmental Officer, Water Quality Management Bureau, Pollution Control Department, Thailand | The Country's Most Strict Groundwater Management System (283KB) Jianqing Yang, Center for Groundwater Monitoring of Ministry of Water Resources of China | Temporal change of groundwater-related problems in urban geosphere A case example from Tokyo (2.1MB) Tomochika Tokunaga, Department of Environment Systems, School of Frontier Sciences, University of Tokyo (as a representative of the Japanese Association of Groundwater Hydrology) | Critical Issues on Groundwater in India (666KB) Devesh Sharma, Assistant Professor, TERI University | Groundwater in Asia under Threats (626KB) Yatsuka Kataoka, Director, Freshwater Sub-group, IGES |
| | 14:00-15:00 The Challenges and Opportunities for Improving Corporate Environmental Management in Developing Asia | | | Moderator: Masanobu Ishikawa, Professor, Graduate school of Economics (Ph.D), Kobe University | Corporate environmental management through industrial clusters in China (290KB) Lei Shi, Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University, China | Environmental regulations and challenges in their implementation: The case of SMEs in India (262KB) Prosanto Pal, Senior Fellow, Industrial Energy Efficiency Division, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), India | (Presentation in Japanese) (1.3MB) Suehiro Hanada, Manager of Industrial Policy Division, Office for Environmental Model City Promotion, City of Kitakyushu | The Challenges and Opportunities for Improving Corporate Environmental Management in Developing Asia (329KB) Tomohiro Shishime, Deputy Director-General, IGES Kansai Research Centre | Information Disclosure Strategy for Enhancing Corporate Environmental Management (1.5MB) Xianbing Liu, Senior Policy Researcher, IGES Kansai Research Centre | Potential Benefits and Barriers pertaining to TT (75KB) Yuki Shiga, Researcher, IGES Kansai Research Centre |
| 15:15-16:15 Can Biofuels Contribute to Building a Sustainable Society? | | | Moderator: Kazuhiko Takeuchi, Vice Rector, United Nations University (UNU) ; Deputy Executive Director, Integrated Research System for Sustainability Science (IR3S), University of Tokyo | Zakri Abdul Hamid, Director of the Centre for Global Sustainability Studies at Universiti Sains Malaysia ; Science Advisor to the Government of Malaysia | Hirotaka Matsuda, Project Lecturer/Ph.D, Transdisciplinary Initiative for Global Sustainability (TIGS), Integrated Research System for Sustainability Science (IR3S), University of Tokyo | Development of the knowledge structuring and policy-making support tools for biofuel issues using ontological engineering (575KB) Osamu Saito, Assistant Professor, Waseda Institute for Advanced Study, Waseda University | Stakeholder analysis for biofuel deployment policy: cases from Brazil and Indonesia (51KB) Masahiro Matsuura, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Tokyo | Policy Issues Relating to the Sustainability of Biofuels in Asia (304KB) Mark Elder, Principal Researcher and Director, Governance and Capacity Group, IGES |
| | 16:30-17:30 Harnessing Biodiversity: Strategic policies and concerted actions | | Moderator: Charmine Koda, Jounarist | Major agenda for COP10 (530KB) Tsunao Watanabe, Ministry of the Environment, Japan | ISAP 2010 Session: Harnessing Biodiversity - Strategic Policies and Concerted Actions (207KB) Zakri Abdul Hamid, Director of the Centre for Global Sustainability Studies at Universiti Sains Malaysia and Science Advisor to the Government of Malaysia | Sub-global Assessment of Satoyama and Satoumi in Japan (154KB) Kazuhiko Takeuchi, Vice Rector, United Nations University (UNU) ; Deputy Executive Director, Integrated Research System for Sustainability Science (IR3S) | Lesson and findings from the filed Income generation and livelihood improvement for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Conservation (422KB) Masanori Kobayashi, Senior Coordinator, Programme Management Office, IGES |
17:30-18:00 Plenary: Closing Session | | ISAP Summing up from selected moderators | | Ryokichi Hirono, Professor Emeritus, Seikei University | | Charmine Koda, Journalist | | Takejiro Sueyoshi, Special Advisor to UNEP Finance Initiative and the Principles for Responsible Investment in the Asia Pacific Region | | Akio Morishima, Special Research Advisor, IGES |
| Closing Remarks | | Hironori Hamanaka, IGES Chair of the Board of Directors |
ISAP Expert Workshops & Network Meeting
Expert Workshops: DAY 1: 12 July (Mon) | VENUE: Room 502
15:45-18:00[OPEN Seminar] What's happening in the CDM?: Searching for the truth through the IGES databases | | | Moderator: Yuji Mizuno, Director, Market Mechanisms Group, IGES | Keisuke Iyadomi, Policy Researcher, Market Mechanisms Group, IGES | Kazuhisa Koakutsu, Deputy Director, Market Mechanisms Group, IGES | Kentaro Takahashi, Associate Researcher, Market Mechanisms Group, IGES | Chisako Urayama, Associate Researcher, Market Mechanisms Group, IGES | Nozomi Okubo, Associate Researcher, Market Mechanisms Group, IGES | |
VENUE: Room 511+512
13:15-15:30 | | 15:45-18:00 | [Observers to be accepted] Strengthening International Cooperation on Management of Regional Air Quality in East Asia | |
VENUE: Room 413
13:15-17:30 | [Closed] Planning Meeting on Hub on Groundwater Management | |
VENUE: Room 415+ 414
13:15-15:30 | [Closed] Economic Modelling of Resource Circulation Issues | |
| 15:45-18:00 | |
Expert Workshops: DAY 2: 13 July (Tue) VENUE: Room 502
15:15-17:30 | [Observers to be accepted] Possible Collaborative Activities for Supporting Country-Based Model Cities Programme | |
VENUE: Room 511+512
12:45-15:00 | [Observers to be accepted] Evaluation of the sustainability of biofuels from multiple perspectives | | | Moderator: Kazuhiko Takeuchi, Vice Rector, United Nations University (UNU) ; Deputy Executive Director, Integrated Research System for Sustainability Science (IR3S), University of Tokyo | | Hirotaka Matsuda, Project Lecturer/Ph.D, Transdisciplinary Initiative for Global Sustainability (TIGS), Integrated Research System for Sustainability Science (IR3S), University of Tokyo | | Kiyotada Hayashi, Team Leader, Environmental Assessment and Management, National Agricultural Research Center, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization | | Keisuke Hanaki, Department of Urban Engineering, University of Tokyo | | Shinichi Arai, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Sustainability and Peace, Global Environment Outreach Center, United Nations University | | Masahiro Matsuura, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Tokyo | | Osamu Saito, Assistant Professor, Waseda Institute for Advanced Study, Waseda University | | Mark Elder, Principal Researcher and Director, Governance and Capacity Group, IGES |
VENUE: Room 413
13:00-17:00 | [Closed] Adaptation in Agriculture and Water Sectors in Japan and Its Relevance for Developing Countries in the Asia Pacific | |
VENUE: Room 415+ 414
VENUE: Room 421
14:30-17:00 | [Closed] Planning Meeting on Hub on Groundwater Management | |
Network Meeting (Closed): 12-13 July VENUE: Room 411+412
Day1: 13:15-18:00
Day2: 9:30-17:30 | [Closed] Asian Environ-mental Compli-ance and Enforce-ment Network (AECEN) Asia Regional Workshop on Soil Contamination Countermeasures - Policy and social capacity development | |